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Travel to Kimba, SA

Kimba is not just a ‘halfway’ point on the journey from Sydney to Perth, you’ll find much more in and around this fascinating town.

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Beyond Bombs

When nuclear tests took place nearly 70 years ago, the program was shrouded with secrecy. Today Maralinga shares its story.

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Push to seal roads between SA and WA

Following long-term closures caused by bushfire, industry bodies and the public alike are making calls for more bitumen.

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Heading for the Adelaide Hills

From family time to drinking wine, the Adelaide Hills have all the makings of a memorable camper holiday.

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Drawing a Line in the Dirt

David Cook discusses the significance of the prophetic Goyder’s Line, which separates productive and barren land in South Australia.

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Terra Trek TT-E

Terra Trek TT-E: Review

Terra Trek TT E Review

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Things to do in Innamincka, SA

Innamincka, SA

Things to do in Innamincka

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Flinders Ranges, SA

Touring the Flinders Ranges, SA

The Flinders Ranges: one of Australia’s most accessible and breathtaking outback destinations.

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Views of the Almonta Dunes from the breathtaking Sensation Beach.



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Tips for driving on slopes, inclines and angles

If you’re four-wheel driving in Australia slopes, angles and inclines come with the territory. But learning to navigate them needn’t be a steep learning curve if you follow these helpful tips.

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Essential safety gear equipment for remote travel

Make sure your next adventure into Australia’s remote landscapes is as safe as can be with this essential gear checklist.

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