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Travelling the Nyangumarta Highway WA

Crossing more than 600km of open country covered with termite mounds, sand dunes and salt pans, the Nyangumarta Highway stretches from Kunawarritji on the Canning Stock Route, all the way to Eighty Mile Beach on the far west coast.

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Easy Camping Meal Ideas To Cook With Kids

Let the kids get involved with the cooking holidays with these simple campfire meals.

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Staving Off the Kids' School Holiday Blues

You’d think that school holidays would be a relaxing time for kids, but the change in routine can be stressful. Kath shares a few tips on working through the unexpected holiday unhappiness next time the kids have a few weeks off school.

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It's bloody hard to beat enjoying the great outdoors with the whole family!

The Joy of Family Camping Trips

As Borgy explains, nothing beats a family camping trip. They're always full of fun, laughter, and new adventures, and the memories made last a lifetime.

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Top 10 budget touring activities

Top 10 Budget Touring Activities

Find out the best things to do for free or at a low cost when you're out on the road. These budget activities are guaranteed to provide fun for the whole family.

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Your choice of campsite may be the simplest and most effective way of keeping everybody cool and hap

Five ways to keep kids cool while camping

Five ways to keep kids cool while camping

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Tips for driving on slopes, inclines and angles

If you’re four-wheel driving in Australia slopes, angles and inclines come with the territory. But learning to navigate them needn’t be a steep learning curve if you follow these helpful tips.

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Essential safety gear equipment for remote travel

Make sure your next adventure into Australia’s remote landscapes is as safe as can be with this essential gear checklist.

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