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Travelling the Nyangumarta Highway WA

Crossing more than 600km of open country covered with termite mounds, sand dunes and salt pans, the Nyangumarta Highway stretches from Kunawarritji on the Canning Stock Route, all the way to Eighty Mile Beach on the far west coast.

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Pub camping craze

From humble beginnings in 2014, Country Pub Camping has grown to include 120,000 members and 1200 pubs Australia-wide.

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Journey from Cable Beach to Halls Creek, WA

Embark on a 685km road trip to fully absorb the spectacular seascapes of the Kimberley region.

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Travel: Avon Valley, WA

Avon Valley is the epitome of a charming country getaway filled with unimaginable delights.

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Purnululu's Secret Adventure

An epic access track, hidden amphitheatres and big, banded beehives make Purnululu National Park as much a bucket list destination as you can get

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2020 Road Trip Bucket List

Here's the things you don't want to miss this year. Whether you’ve set your sights on a Big Lap, or just a whole lot of big weekends away, tick your way through this travel-changing bucket list.

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Tjukaruru Road

Uluru via the Great Victoria Desert

Scenic wonders, historical intrigues and thriving wildlife line this secret route to Australia’s red heart.

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Family Adventure, Part 3: South-west WA

The Burden family are off to the south-west of WA, continuing their Big Lap in hot pursuit of the real Australia.

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Dwellingup, WA

Dwellingup, WA

Dwellingup WA

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Tips for driving on slopes, inclines and angles

If you’re four-wheel driving in Australia slopes, angles and inclines come with the territory. But learning to navigate them needn’t be a steep learning curve if you follow these helpful tips.

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Essential safety gear equipment for remote travel

Make sure your next adventure into Australia’s remote landscapes is as safe as can be with this essential gear checklist.

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